How Australia UBER driver can Pay Less Tax! (澳大利亚Uber司机如何少交稅!)

澳大利亚Uber司机如何少交稅!? 3大事情要做好!

澳洲開 UBER 不可不知的關於 GST 和 income tax 的稅務tips,澳大利亚 Uber 司机如何少交稅!?


首先,一些從2015年就開始的Uber “老司機“,可能還不知道,在2017年2月份,澳洲法庭已經裁決,Uber 司機必須遵守ATO的規定,注册GST、ABN,按照规定总结并缴纳GST,所以無論您是“老司機”,剛開始還是準備開始,請確保找到專業的會計師諮詢相關的信息,以免不必要的麻煩


  1.  记录所有Uber驾驶费用,以申请符合条件的稅務扣除项目,例如汽车修理和保养,保险,注册等。另外,与成为Uber驾驶员直接有关的额外费用也可以申请扣除。
  2.  保留收入文件
  3.  使用日志跟踪您的Uber接送紀錄(只要求商业部分)

*聯繫 卓诚立和 马上预约免费咨询!

More and more people are using UBER or driving UBER, but not all people know that UBER is a ride-sourcing activity, fares are subject to GST, and Money received from ride-sourcing is also subject to incometax.

The ATO’s Uber tax implications are straight-forward at a basic level:

1. You must declare income from your Uber driving on your taxreturns and lodge by the Due Date.
2. You must register for GST then start to lodge quarterly BASstatement and pay GST obligations, even if you earn less than the $75,000 GST income threshold.

What you need to do?

– Keep a record of all Uber driving expenses to claim eligible deductions, such as car repairs and maintenance, insurance, registration, etc. Also, additional expenses which are directly related to becoming and operating as an Uber driver may eligible for claiming deductions as well.
– Keep statements showing income from ride-sourcing
– track your trips using a logbook (only claim the business portion)

*Contact us to arrange a Free Consultation on how to Maximize your Tax Return right away!

對政策/稅法的準確理解,實時跟蹤以及研讀是 澳洲財稅觀察 壹直秉承的理念,我們只使用第壹手資訊進行分析及解讀,來源包括(但不限於):ATO,澳大利亞議會官方網站,澳大利亞Treasury官網,Business Australia,權威稅法數據庫,Chartered Accountant官網以及州政府官網等,從各個方面幫助客戶少交稅。


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